Linda Eastman was born on September 24, 1941. She was raised in Scarsdale,
New York. Her mother died in 1962 in a plane crash. This is one of the things that she had in common with Paul. She
eventually moved to Arizona and attended the University of Arizona. While she was there, she got pregnant and got married.
She gave birth to her child, Heather, on December 31, 1962. But while in Arizona, she also took a lot of photographs and became
seriously interested in it. Back in New York years later, Linda photographed the Rolling Stones on a boat during one of their
interviews. This was the start of her photography career. Linda continued photographing stars almost until the end of the
60's. She married Paul in 1969. Months later, she gave birth to Mary. She helped to console Paul during the breakup of the
Beatles, which really affected him. In 1971, Linda gave birth to Stella. During the 70's, Linda was part of Wings, Paul's
band. She had to take a lot of criticism from the media and from Paul's fans. She gave birth to James in 1977. Wings
ended in 1980, though Paul still had a solo career. During the 90's, Linda and Paul became very big in animal rights and were
famous vegetarians. In 1998, Linda died from breast cancer.
Disclaimer--I do not own or represent John Lennon, Cynthia Lennon, Paul McCartney, Jane Asher, Linda
McCartney, George Harrison, Pattie Boyd, Olivia Harrison, Ringo Starr, Maureen Starkey, Barbara Bach, or any of the other
people I have picutres/information on on here. I do not own any of the pictures, and if I have somehow stolen one of your
pictures, you can email me.