Mary Cox was born August 4, 1946. She lived in Liverpool, and was a
fan of the Beatles. On a dare, she went backstage after a show and kissed Paul McCartney. But she waited for Ringo, because
he was her favorite. When she finally starting going out with Ringo, they would go out with her friend. Maureen (she nicknamed
herself) wasn't liked much by fans because she was dating Ringo, and eventually found it dangerous to go to shows at the Cavern.
They married in February, 1965. They had two kids, Zak and Jason, during the 60's. However, during the end of the
decade and the Beatles' career, their marrige started to strain. Infidelities (Ringo's and Maureen's rumored affair with George
Harrison) were a major reason leading to their divorce. During 1975, Mo and Ringo's divorce was finalized (Lee was born in
1970). She had a relationship with Issac Tigrett (owner of Hard Rock Cafes) during te 80's and they married in 89. Mo died
of leukemia in 1994, with her ex-husband and children.
Disclaimer--I do not own or represent John Lennon, Cynthia Lennon, Paul McCartney, Jane Asher, Linda
McCartney, George Harrison, Pattie Boyd, Olivia Harrison, Ringo Starr, Maureen Starkey, Barbara Bach, or any of the other
people I have picutres/information on on here. I do not own any of the pictures, and if I have somehow stolen one of your
pictures, you can email me.